January 15, 2011
Went to the mall with SJC, SC, KD. GC said she couldn’t come at the last minute. Bummer.
But its funny, how different we all are, but are still so close.
KD is caucasian(mixed with some other european decent), I am asian
(filipino - which is a mix of spanish), SJC is a heck lot of races mixed
together (portugese, caucasian, italian, pacific islander?), and SC is
At 1:30pm, my mom dropped me off at KD’s house. She had 2 dogs:
Tigger, a sweet, quiet, huge 3 feet dog; and (some name i forgot), a
small, loud, mean, barking dog. I loved them though. Then her 11 year
old brother K was in the room with us, just standing there, awkwardly.
He’s cute and funny. Hahh, i also saw her other stepbrother, T. He’s all
skater, and has a nice face. We were at her room talking for quite some
time, then K have me gum. So sweet. And then, we left their house, with
all their family, crammed in a small car. It was funny, and apparently,
me and KD laughed and talked the same.
We arrived at the mall, went through JCPenny, then anchor blue (huge
clearance sale: bought 2 shirts and bracelets), CharlotteRusse, Apple
Store, Icing, then to the Theatres. Heard the most shocking, unexpected
story from KD. Which left me disappointed, and dumbfounded. *sadface*
Anyways, we met up with SJC, and SC there. We were deciding on watching a
movie, but we ended up not seeing one. We walked around, from F21
(trying on skimpy dresses, grandma floral dresses, and other weird
things), Food Court (we had pizza, subway, panda express), oh and we saw
a lot of people from school, Fountain side of the mall - took pictures,
and a guard came up to us saying we cant do that. He was so nice about
it though, to Windsor (prom dresses, long dresses - found this cute
white frilly feathery dress, it was gorgeous!), then eventually, to
Starbucks, where SJC made an impression of the two asian guys who
apparently was checking me out. Bleh. All laughs, and we were so loud in
starbucks. Talked about who was who in Sisterhood of the Traveling
Pants - i was tibby ‘cause i took a lot of pictures and videos. We all
pretty much matched up to our characters! Back to Anchor Blue where we
all tried a shirt, SJC’s embarrassing moment when a guy opened her
dressing room while she was dancing and singing half naked to Girls Just
Wanna Have Fun, crammed up in my dressing room, and took more pictures.
FUNNY. Walked around some more, to JCPenny, random dancing, squished in
a couch, and SJC’s parents picked us up. Its kinda sad that we all
can’t drive yet - even though we all had our permit/license. Hahhh.
Amazingly fun day with my sisters of the traveling pants <3

January 12, 2010
I passed the Driving Permit Test!
After so many delays, i was finally able to take it. It was so
nerve-wracking and this one guy came out of the room - saying he failed.
Then it was my turn and once i finished the computer (touch screen)
test, i turned spazstic from happiness.
Funny story.
About a year ago, during summer break, i went to MVD to take the test
(with my uncle). I read the book, took online tests but turns out, i
did not bring the right requirements. So i had to wait. After about 3
months, i had my employment card. So i studied some more and went again,
but was still missing another card. A month later, my card arrived in
the mail. During winter break, my dad came from New York, and he could
take me to MVD. I was so ready, the car was about to start up, but i
misplaced the card. I searched everywhere but it was nowhere to be
found. So we ordered a duplicate, which takes about two weeks to arrive -
and my dad is in New York by then. So clearly, i had to find someone
else to take me. Then January came, and i had an ortho appointment at 8
am, my mom was planning to take me to MVD afterwards, i studied and
prepared myself. But no, she had to go to work right after ‘cause she
was needed. The next day, my uncle (unexpectedly) agreed to take me to
MVD right after school. AH. I wasnt ready, i skimmed through the book
during class periods and just rushed through things. He picked me up,
then we picked my grandma up from someplace near MVD, we ate lunch,
studied while eating, and arrived at the place. We waited in line, got a
ticket, and waited some more. When it was my time, the lady checked my
requirements, i had it all, it was perfect, but my parents weren’t there
with me. I was so dumb because we NEEDED a parent to sign the paper (my
uncle signed it) which could be a legal guardian but it had to be
approved with all the papers and such. Darn. So i didn’t take it. We
went back to the car, i called my mom to blame it on her, but then, her
boss told her to take the day off (unexpectedly). What a surprise, she
was leaving right when i called her. So she went straight to MVD, went
in line, waited, waited some more, prayed, took the test, passed it, got
a horrible ugly picture, and some greek pita - gyros.
Good things really do come to those who wait.
December 31, 2010 - January 1, 2011
New Year’s Eve Party!
Got ready 15 minutes before we left. I was so not ready. My hair was
undone, my face was just a mess, and i had to change and pack as fast as
i could.
Re-cap. I went Christmas shopping a few days after i got back from
Cali. Bought a slouchy pale-striped dolman sweater (super cute), and a
floral 3/4 sleeve baby doll top at F21. Then i got a pair of $10 jeans
at Charlotte. I used the $20 gift card but it sucked ‘cause when i got
there, there were barely any decent clothes left. They were re-stocking
and selling everything they could to make way for new arrivals. Bummer. I
kept bugging my dad to buy me a uke.
Morning of Dec. 31st, i got my ukulele. So happy. I was too busy
tuning it, and at the same time, cleaning the house, so i could not get
ready for the party later that night.
Party: Food, Outrageous developments, sweet compliments about my
newly cut fringe, games - charades, treasure hunt (found the hidden cup
and won for once), naming game (Female names starting with the letter A,
vegetables, states, fruits, body parts - a face off between me and
ulrich which ended in rock-paper-scissors since my words were too
advanced and i was basically giving him some answers as well, i lost),
shoe race (i won), balloon dancing game (me and partner won), balloon
popping game (we could’ve won since i was the only one who followed the
rules and picked up the popped balloon remnants), trivia game (won the
first time), family feud (on dvd), firecrackers, jumping, sparklers.
My camera worked wonders and cooperated well with the colorful
balloons (but of course, it also depended on who took the picture).