It was a saturday afternoon, bored and nothing to do while my aunts and uncles get ready for this big Polilians Reunion. I was wearing pajamas while playing hand games with cousins. Then my aunt and uncle were yelling at my 20 yr old cousin for backing out at the last minute. He said he’s not ready to perform at the reunion. He went to the other room while the adults get ready. They were still so pissed at him then my grandma comes in and tells me to go instead. Speechless. I dont have clothes, I haven’t practiced playing the guitar in a long time, I barely remember any song chords, and they were about to leave! My cousin, other aunt, and grandma somehow convinced me and i got ready as fast as i can. Other girl cousin suddenly wanted to come, bored in the hotel (since i’ll be leaving), wanted to go outside the hotel, voice shaking? Then i had to go borrow the guitar capo from my 20 yr old cousin and he also told me before i left ‘sorry that you had to do this. i know you’ll do good okay?’ So I looked up an easy song to play and had it on repeat inside the car. Saw my california cousins, and grandma, and sat beside them, ate good food, watched them perform: violin, singing, hiphop dance, band; i performed last and i was losing my voice. Saw my dancing cousin KC but he was too busy having fun with his dance buddies. Dance Party! Me, KP, and NT danced. He’d also dance waltz and others. I liked the upbeat songs and disliked boring line dancing, cha cha, and folk whatever. We had a dance circle and it grew bigger! Polilian ‘princesses’ joined in, and the escorts, and old people. It was hecka fun. We sat back down on the other side of the room, and unexpectedly, this guy took my hand and slow danced with me, he was holding me firmly too. His sis took a picture of us and i dont even know him yet. Asked if i spoke tagalog, i said ‘yeah’, asked him if he was born here, he said ‘no’, i said ‘same here’. The song ended, i quickly sat back down. Then me and my cousins sat on the stage, the guy, EV finally introduced himself, so did i. Asked if me and NT were friends on facebook, i said yeah. Asked where i was from, i said A—— and damn he was surprised. Why do i not live in California? Where fun cousins, people, and parties exist? Blahblah, more dancing, pictures, cute little kid playing with my bracelet, went outside the room for awhile with my cousin, then saw EV walking around the room with one red rose. It was crowded and he lost sight of us. Me and NT sat back down on the stage. He saw us and sat next to us. He got back up, picked a white rose from the princess’ bouquet, sat back down. Then he gave NT the newly picked white rose, and to me the red rose. That was so sweet and we said thanks. I said to NT ‘oh good thing the thorns are gone’ but she looked at hers and the thorns were still there - (since it was newly picked and he had the red rose for quite some time now). We danced some more, left the roses on the stage and when we returned, this lady picked it up and returned it to the bouquet! EV saw it too but he left cuz he had to perform and play the drums again. He came back, hugged us since he said he was leaving. Me and NT decided to take the roses back and quickly ran off outside the room. A few moments later, we saw EV again but with the roses again. I guess he was looking for us. He quickly gave the roses and i showed him the other rose that we took back. Then he left for real. Blahblah pictures with KC and his friends, he hit me with his tie and said ‘cuz you’re leaving for A—- tomorrow urhhh’. Walking out, he hit me with his suit thing and said ‘uh aren’t you forgetting you’re guitar?’ darn, i went back and they followed. After party, snacks, hugs and goodbyes. So tired. But so hyped up. Unexpected Moves and Sweet Actions. I loved this night. And to think i wasn’t even supposed to go to this reunion. And I’ve been telling NT, KC, and KP that i wasn’t going and there i was. Im actually glad this all happened.
The next day, checked my fb and he friend requested me already! His dp was of him holding a red rose! We also found him in the program booklet and his pic was looking all pro and model-like. my cousins were so hyped up lol. When i arrived home in AZ, he uploaded pics from the reunion and the first picture was of him and me when we slow danced.