Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's how you look at things

September 28, 2011

And i thought college couldn’t get any better.. Well, its not that great. I’m flooded with lab reports, essays, tests, and chemistry lectures that pass right through my head. But I’ve decided to be optimistic and look at the brighter things in life. Sure, I’m still upset, stressed, and disappointed but there are little things that make my day. These past few days were great! Seeing old high school friends, making new friends, and long chit-chats. Hanging out on the benches while waiting for our next class to start: like me and a bunch of my friends are gathered in that one area like we own it haha. hilarious jock guy who makes a good impersonation of our math teacher, and who overreacts his stories. love it! library, tutor GR, and we end up talking about our similar addiction to shopping! i can’t believe we had so much in common (cant stand scary movies, likes shopping alone most of the time, feels pressured or rushed when with friends at the mall, likes vintage clothing, looks online for clothes, can spend a whole day in f21..) yeah. you get the picture.

ENG101: chitchats about tv shows, annoying girl who doesn’t know what ‘to go in order’ means, hilarious teacher who thinks my rough drafts are excellent (3 papers in a row!)

MATH150: i’m starting to know a bunch of people there. just laughing to myself while my professor hates on me because i had my phone out one time - just to look at the review guide for that class. then he makes a big deal out of it and writes a note on the grade page online. i still do good in that class. sit right in front, i only talk when he’s not there, and participate. and i dont know if its because im asian, but everyone seems to come to me for help in that class. after our first test, a few asked how i did randomly; before turning in the take home test, i was crowded with people. they know it too, just making sure i got the same answer they did..its pretty funny.

CHM151: hard class that i just cant seem to process the lecture in my brain. funny chitchats with RH; group members; short guy with awesome style that i would randomly make eye contact too..

CHM151LL: oh that class is always interesting. my two group members make it so, and so does the group on the opposite side of the table with us. im pretty sure we’re the loudest table too, and almost too often, the last to finish. JR, AL sure make some hilarious comebacks. we’re all girls while the group across our side of table are all guys. one of ‘em is filipino too who always wear a type of pacquiao shirt. haha. and i dont know why, but i always know for sure that i wont get a good grade in the lab or in class quiz but so far, it’s been the opposite!