Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rewinding the clock

So a lot has happened during the 18 years of my life and I can't write every single important moment no matter how much I want to. But I do want to remember some so I'll list down the ones that made me who I am today.
  • Born in the Philippines and lived there my whole life til I moved to the US in 2007.
  • Went to a small charter kindergarten 'Casa Dei Montessorri' - I would say the best school years ever.
  • Moved to 'OLGM', from prep to 3rd grade. I was pretty crazy then - best friends, boyish, popular, lots of crushes, confessions.
  • Moved to an all girls school 'SHS' from 4th grade to freshman of high school. Drama the first 2 years in there, great school and great friends, and i now just realize that i took advantage of those friendship.
  • Moved to the US, freshman in high school (again) at 'WCHS' theatre, dance, stalkers, goths, computer class. oh man.
  • Moved to a different city (from a house to an apartment to another house) to 'SDOHS' from sophomore year to senior year. theatre, spanish, friends, asians, junior year, awkward, homecoming, state fair, movies, mall, zoo, senior year, library, half day, prom, best friends, yogurtology, burgerking.
  • Outside of school: cousins, family friends, parties, california, reunion, church, shopping, piano/guitar/ukulele
  • Halloween, waldo, long hugs, high fives, Castles & Coasters (game, hands, talks), lake pleasant, jetski, volunteer, just dance 2, permit and a long wait for my license, graduation, ukulele, sanfran, social networks, video chats, iphone4, fempro dance company in gilbert, jukebox dance studio, boogiedabeat, performances, auditions, beat killaz, practice all summer, vegas for 1 week for hiphop international 2011, netflix, late night talks, bonding, piano, scared, crowded in the bed, squished in the car, after parties, weird press, food, sleep at 4am, wake up at noon. i miss that week.
  • license expired a week before college started at GCC, classes, new and old friends, too much essays, lab reports, tests.
hahh that was a very rough summary of 18 years. wow. im sure i skipped a lot. but clearly, my while life has been all about moving, I've adapted pretty quick, constantly trying new things on the way.