Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday Tights

October 6, 2011
GR's birthday! Planned to wear our new tights on this day - i had black lace tights, she got red striped tights. I wore my rusty 3/4 sleeve dolman top with ripped shorts, grey scarf, and navy flats. She was wearing a grey vintage-y dress with a red scarf, and black flats. Yeeeaaa.
Anyways, I wanted to surprise her with cupcakes or cookies but she was allergic to wheat foods. How depressing. So instead, I asked her what treats she likes and she's down for snickers. I also gave her some vintage pearls and hair clip, and wrote a happy birthday post-it on the gift bag. It turned out pretty simple and adorable. ENG101 class first, funny and cool people, i love sitting in the back. After, waited for GC outside her class, met up with GR, SC, and BY by our usual bench spot. Greeted GR, gave her the gift bag, loved it. MAT150 next, lunch, 'fish net' is not the same as my lace tights. no. homework in the library, texting plans for tomorrow, fitness center at 2:00pm, while I was on the elliptical, i felt a tap on my shoulder and it was GC's cousin AC! Hahah how sweet, he said he'd say hi the next time he sees me so there we go. I was so worried it'd be awkward but it wasn't. It really just depends on how you handle the situation. We talked for a little bit, then he left. After the gym, I went outside to wait for my uncle and cousins to pick me up. 
I wrote this on my tumblr while waiting: 
It’s so nice out that I’d rather sit out here by the bench than wait inside the library. Mhmm college is great. But once I transfer to a university, that’s when it changes for the better or worse (hopefully not). Today is GR’s bday so I brought her some snickers and vintage pearls and bangles, we also planned to wear tights and scarves today. Matching! Tomorrow, I’ll be spending the day with her and her sister at the mall since we have SO MUCH in common when it comes to shopping. Yeaa, then that night, I’ll be going with her to this first friday event at downtown phoenix! Then on Saturday, we celebrate her birthday at polar ice, and then hang out at rio vista park and maybe watch a movie that night. Wow that’s a whole week with her! I can’t believe I’m only meeting her in college: I mean, we both write shopping lists, to-do lists, we like vintage, prefer shopping alone than with friends, short, and more. Oh how I love meeting friends :)